Liz's Street Pantry

Liz’s (BeLoved) Street Pantry Wish List
Some of the folks who use items from the box live in tents, some live in their car. Some live in horrible housing and don’t have a car. Some have jobs and kids and you would never know they were in crisis. No matter what their situation, ALL humans deserve to be clean and dry this summer. Thank you for your help!
Toothbrushes/toothpaste, unopened
Hotel size shampoo, unopened
Dry shampoo
Feminine hygiene products
Wet wipes for face/body cleansing
Chapstick, Unopened
Deodorant, Unopened
Hand warmers
THICK gloves (new or used)
Flashlights/headlamps (new or used, with batteries)
Alcohol prep pads
Socks (new or used)
Mylar rescue blankets
Rain ponchos
Bottled water
Also any camping equipment (new or used):
Sleeping bag
Sleeping pad
Please, no clothing
and no food items that require a kitchen